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Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3272 Re: Wanted: Real Heart Model 4/23/93 11:00 22/ Ralph Seguin <rps@arbortext.com> Lines 1 to 10 of 22 (45%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > >A co-worker of mine wants to make illustrations of a heart using his > >A2000 and Imagine for his wife's presentations. She is a nurse. > >So he is looking for a fairly accurate 3-D model of a real human heart, > >not the romaticized shape. > >Does anyone know where such a model may be acquired? > >Or who to ask to find out? > Yes, well ViewPoint....that company that has all those 3D > Digitized objects in tons of formats has some hearts. It has a full 3D ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: > heart, plus I think it has a half cut 3D one. I forget the phone #. > (it's at home). I'm not sure how much they cost, but i recall the > medical objects are more than most others. I could check later if you > want. On one of the fish disks, there is a program called Heart3D. This program has a 3D wireframe representation of the heart WHILE beating (ie, it has CAT scans converted). You might check out this program and see if they have additional progress/information to give. Command: -Ralph Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3273 Re: Fogs 4/23/93 12:00 11/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 11 (90%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- I've been playing with some fog objects recently and have come across an annoying problem. It seems that when the two fogs overlap, they cancel each other out. Any suggestions? ---------------------- hmmm... I have never delt with the fog feature becuase I don't think I have it, but I imagine this was some functional screw-up on Impulses part, probably. This sorta reminds me of the time I put an observer inside a reflective cube on Sculpt 3D and it tried to reflect shadows like light. If it is possible, can you somehow make the fogs different: color, density, ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: if a pattern is used - size it? Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3274 Re: Editing times 4/23/93 12:06 11/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 11 (90%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > used?? I would like to know how hard it is to write a program just > to tell a editing deck when to record a frame and such. If you have a 4000, perhaps the most cost effective solution is to get the NEW Toaster which adds realtime playback of 24 bit animation. No expensive single frame deck necessary. --------------------- No way... Come on... A hard drive can't retrieve 24-bit 700K images fast enough to do real-time playback, unless, ofcourse, they now use MPEG or some form of it. A video recorder with frame ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: accurate recording is the best solution, I think. Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3275 Counter - Essence texture??? 4/23/93 12:09 13/ mbed@wimsey.com (Manjit Bedi) Lines 1 to 10 of 13 (76%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- last night, I was trying to use the "Counter" texture that comes with Essence. I was attempting to map it to a disc (primitive imagine object). I was getting some funny results. It turns out I need to rotate the texture axis to get the digits to appear on the right surface of the disc. But the one that is confusing me is when I change the "Digit Width" and "Digit Height" values the object gets shaded with a cubist like pattern. This strikes me as something suspect; what could be going on here? I also played around with applying the texture to a cube (extruded ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: from a plane) and the results are the same. I doubled the size values from the default values. Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3276 Imagine PC pricing 4/23/93 01:32 5/ tplonka@ii.uj.edu.pl (Tomasz Plonka V rok) Lines 1 to 5 of 5 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- How much is Imagine PC ? Tomasz Plonka. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3277 Re: Essence Counter texture 4/23/93 13:51 34/ spworley@netcom.com (Steve Worley) Lines 1 to 10 of 34 (29%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Manjit Bedi writes: > It turns out I need to rotate the texture axis to get the digits to > appear on the right surface of the disc. But the one that is > confusing me is when I change the "Digit Width" and "Digit Height" > values the object gets shaded with a cubist like pattern. This > strikes me as something suspect; what could be going on here? ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: There are two problems here. One is that "Counter" is a 2D texture, so the texture is projected flat along the X-Y texture axis. If you try to place the texture on an object standing vertically on its edge, you're not going to see much. You need to make sure the Z texture axis is pointing OUT of the face you want to apply the texture to: it looks like you figured this out by trial and error though. This is described in a little more detail on page 11 of the Essence manual. The other problem has to do with "legal" parameter values for the Counter texture. The ugly checks are an error message, saying "Whups, Command: you misset some parameters to illegal values." These error messages are described on pages 25-27 of the Essence manual. In this case, you probably set the "Digit Width" parameter larger than the "Digit Spacing" parameter. This would make each digit so wide it would overlap with its neighbors (this is Not Good,) so it's not allowed and the error message is returned. The ugly checks are designed to be instantly recognisable, and the manual describes what different check error messages mean. If you have any other problems with the texture feel free to email me Command: at spworley@netcom.com or call Apex at 415-322-7532. -Steve Worley Official Spokesmodel for Apex Software Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3278 REAL-TIME 4/23/93 13:18 31/ "Tony R. Boutwell" <trb3@ra.msstate.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 31 (32%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- SOMEONE wrote : >No way... Come on... A hard drive can't retrieve 24-bit 700K images >fast enough to do real-time playback, unless, ofcourse, >they now use MPEG or some form of it. A video recorder with frame >accurate recording is the best solution, I think. In response to above...there is something capable of doing that... ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: (well at least there is going to be in about 2-3 months) Its called the DREAM MACHINE from Impulse....The last Gazette mentions it. It is suppose to be able to grab (in real time) live video coming in... and put out live video....(as in animations that you save to it...) You sould see a version that is capable of handling like 15-30 min of video for around 3500$ <----GREAT PRICE considering the alternative. Command: It is supposed to be able to work with any machine (AMIGA, IBM, SGI, ETC) 'cause the hardware is independent...all ya need is the specific software for what ever machine you are using. It uses JPEG technology.... (Thats All I really know....more info is supposed to start seeping out as they get more finished with the product.) <--- I cant wait! Tony Boutwell Command: trb3@ra.msstate.edu Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3279 Wanted: Real Heart Model 4/23/93 07:21 21/ dingebre@thunder.sim.es.com (David Ingebretsen) Lines 1 to 10 of 21 (47%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Viewpoint sells three different models of tha heart, all with chambers. The Prices range from $100 to $300 depending on how many points/polys are in the model. They will sell it in Imagine, Lightwave, Sculpt, as well as any other major format. Viewpoint 1-800-DATASET (328-2738) (801) 224-2222 ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: David David M. Ingebretsen Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp. dingebre@thunder.sim.es.com Disclaimer: The content of this message in no way reflects the opinions of my employer, nor are my actions encouraged, supported, or acknowledged by my Command: employer. Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3280 Steve's book 4/23/93 13:36 5/ Mark Bergem <faustus@mcl.mcl.ucsb.edu> Lines 1 to 5 of 5 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- I was just wondering if anyone knew what the price was on "Understanding Imagine 2.0"...I'm intrested in it..but I was just curious on the price Mark Bergem ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3281 Re: Editing times 4/22/93 22:18 11/ tes@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov (Thomas E. Smith) Lines 1 to 10 of 11 (90%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Mark Thompson writes: >If you have a 4000, perhaps the most cost effective solution is to get the >NEW Toaster which adds realtime playback of 24 bit animation. No expensive >single frame deck necessary. What's this about a new toaster? Is it out already? How much? How does it achive the realtime playback? How many frames can it play? I have many questions 8) Anything else about the new Toaster would be helpful as well. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Tom Smith Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3282 Re: Cheap Motion Blur? 4/23/93 11:24 18/ Mark Thompson <mark@westford.ccur.com> Lines 1 to 10 of 18 (55%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- (David Ingebretsen) writes: > I was pondering a "cheap" way to get motion blur in some instances. I > came up with this: > Airplane, helicopter rotor: This trick, which I have used many times before, can actually look better than the computationally more difficult rendered motion blur because you have greater control over the blur and you aren't limited by the number of time slices in your motion. And you don't have to rotate the disk slowly because the "wagon-wheel" effect will take place at higher speeds anyway. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Some degree of speed variation does make it more interesting. %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% % ` ' Mark Thompson CONCURRENT COMPUTER % % --==* RADIANT *==-- mark@westford.ccur.com Principal Graphics % % ' Image ` ...!uunet!masscomp!mark Hardware Architect % % Productions (508)392-2480 (603)424-1829 & General Nuisance % % % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3283 Re: Editing times 4/23/93 10:30 14/ Mark Thompson <mark@westford.ccur.com> Lines 1 to 10 of 14 (71%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Since I posted my blurb on the 4000 Toaster reatime animation playback, I have seen 2 different sources mention that it was AGA HAM8 playback and not full color. I cannot deny that it is HAM8 but in my conversation with Lee Stranahan, I got the impression it was not. By next week we shall know for sure. But it occurs to me that it must be more than simply HAM8 animation because they would not be able maintain 30Hz update in video resolution on a 4000 with such a simplistic compression scheme. We shall see. %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% % ` ' Mark Thompson CONCURRENT COMPUTER % % --==* RADIANT *==-- mark@westford.ccur.com Principal Graphics % ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: % ' Image ` ...!uunet!masscomp!mark Hardware Architect % % Productions (508)392-2480 (603)424-1829 & General Nuisance % % % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3284 Re: Editing times 4/23/93 06:05 22/ Adam Benjamin <A.Benjamin@mi04p.zds.com> Lines 1 to 10 of 22 (45%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- In a previous article Mark Thomson wrote: >If you have a 4000, perhaps the most cost effective solution is to get >the NEW Toaster which adds realtime playback of 24 bit animation. No >expensive single frame deck necessary. What is "real time playback"? I hate buzz words that usually don't really mean what they imply. How long can the anim be? Where is it playing from? Is there a delta limit? %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: % ` ' Mark Thompson CONCURRENT COMPUTER % % --==* RADIANT *==-- mark@westford.ccur.com Principal Graphics % % ' Image ` ...!uunet!masscomp!mark Hardware Architect % % Productions (508)392-2480 (603)424-1829 & General Nuisance % % % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************ * Adam Benjamin A.Benjamin@mi04.zds.com * * Christian Animator AF987@yfn.ysu.edu * * Disclaimer: Nothing I say means anything to anyone that * Command: * might take it to mean something I didn't! * Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3285 Group Project Doc 001 4/23/93 09:16 81/ pmancini@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu (Peter Mancini) Lines 1 to 10 of 81 (12%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Joe's Diner Group Project Document 001, really long, skip if you aren't interested. Assigning objects to members, scale to the scene, rules for construction, and timeline objective. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greeting Imagineers! ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: So far we have 12 designers for our project. There have been perhaps 40 other letters sent my way saying this is a great idea. I think we can get started and prove that this is a great idea. Our objective is to compile a grand set of tutorials. The objects are secondary, as far as I am concerned. The tutorials you will write will all have their own style and pace. The simpler the object, the more detailed the tutorial. The audience for the project is all Imagine users. Some tutorials will describe really basic things like, how to make a plate. Command: Others will be on more detailed and mechanical things. If you want to build a cycle object, please do so. In fact I totally encourage it. If you want to use PixPro 3D, or ICOONS, or ESSENSE, please do. The final object needs to be Public Domain, but the tools to create it do not. If you have a program that uses the TTDDD library, include it. Go crazy if you must. Also, please be as artistic as possible. Don't toss on a hex ridge Essence texture just for the hell of it. Every step you take should have some meaning in context to the object, and increase its overall value. Command: The Scene: Lets try and shoot for a 50's style diner. You can rent many Marlon Brando/James Dean movies and see what these things looked like. Please try and view something like this before you start, because what you remember and what the real object is may be very different. For example I created and Eagle from Space:1999 that somehow didn't look correct. After going to the video store and seeing an Eagle on the cover of a Space:1999 tape I realized that I had forgotton the boxy leg/attitude thruster compartments. All in All, I will accept any object. Even if you don't think it looks good when you've "finished it", release it. Someone will say "hey Command: you could improve it by doing X". That is what Internet is all about. Free flowing information, interaction, and feed back. Objective dates: I want to see progress. I would like 50% of all objects completed by 1 July 1993, I would like to see 100% of all objects completed by 1 August 1993. I want 100% of all tutorials done by 1 September 1993. I will bug people on a regular basis as to their progress. If your english isn't very good let me know and I will spell and grammer check your articles. This applys to American's whose native language is english as well! Command: Assignment of Tasks: FAITH: JUKE BOX BANDY: CLOCK A.BENGAMIN: CALENDER VINCENT.FARGET: MENU (Vince, if you could make menu of American food in fancy sounding high french that would be really funny. Include a tassle if you can, or a ribbon, or an embossed cover (Le Joe's) to make it really interesting. PARHAM: CEILING FAN Command: MBC: EXTERIOR SHOT + JOE'S NEON SIGN (any scale you like) KHOLLAND: BOOTH MODULE HECKNER: GRILLE MBED: SALT 'N' PEPPER SHAKERS WOOVIS: PLACE SETTING (PLATE, SPOON, FORK, KNIFE, NAPKIN) GCHANCE: PAY PHONE AWREN: COKE BOTTLE If you don't like the object you were assigned, let me know. Trading assignments is up to you. Let me know of all changes so I don't bug the Command: wrong people. With the exception of the exterior shot, lets attempt to keep the scale to 25 units = 1 inch (1 unit = 1mm). If you want to make other objects in addition to the others go ahead. I expect the tutorials to be about 3 printed pages in length on average. This is a guess. Try to be precise, concise, and clear. If you are having a problem, report it on IML and I'm sure someone will have a solution to your problem. Any Question? Comments? --> pmancini@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu If your name isn't in the above list, send me mail with objects you'd Command: like to do. People can jump in at any time. Good Luck! Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3286 Re: Wanted: Real Heart Model 4/23/93 11:00 22/ Ralph Seguin <rps@arbortext.com> Lines 1 to 10 of 22 (45%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > >A co-worker of mine wants to make illustrations of a heart using his > >A2000 and Imagine for his wife's presentations. She is a nurse. > >So he is looking for a fairly accurate 3-D model of a real human heart, > >not the romaticized shape. > >Does anyone know where such a model may be acquired? > >Or who to ask to find out? > Yes, well ViewPoint....that company that has all those 3D > Digitized objects in tons of formats has some hearts. It has a full 3D ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: > heart, plus I think it has a half cut 3D one. I forget the phone #. > (it's at home). I'm not sure how much they cost, but i recall the > medical objects are more than most others. I could check later if you > want. On one of the fish disks, there is a program called Heart3D. This program has a 3D wireframe representation of the heart WHILE beating (ie, it has CAT scans converted). You might check out this program and see if they have additional progress/information to give. Command: -Ralph Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3287 Re: Wanted: Real Heart Model 4/23/93 11:53 9/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 9 of 9 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- A co-worker of mine wants to make illustrations of a heart using his A2000 and Imagine for his wife's presentations. She is a nurse. So he is looking for a fairly accurate 3-D model of a real human heart, not the romaticized shape. ----------------------- If you don't succeed in finding a heart laying around, imagine that one, then I guess thenext step would be to find 2D slices of a heart and costruct your own using the ILBM converter. It shouldn't be all that hard. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3288 Re: Fogs 4/23/93 12:00 11/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 11 (90%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- I've been playing with some fog objects recently and have come across an annoying problem. It seems that when the two fogs overlap, they cancel each other out. Any suggestions? ---------------------- hmmm... I have never delt with the fog feature becuase I don't think I have it, but I imagine this was some functional screw-up on Impulses part, probably. This sorta reminds me of the time I put an observer inside a reflective cube on Sculpt 3D and it tried to reflect shadows like light. If it is possible, can you somehow make the fogs different: color, density, ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: if a pattern is used - size it? Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3289 Re: Editing times 4/23/93 12:06 11/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 11 (90%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > used?? I would like to know how hard it is to write a program just > to tell a editing deck when to record a frame and such. If you have a 4000, perhaps the most cost effective solution is to get the NEW Toaster which adds realtime playback of 24 bit animation. No expensive single frame deck necessary. --------------------- No way... Come on... A hard drive can't retrieve 24-bit 700K images fast enough to do real-time playback, unless, ofcourse, they now use MPEG or some form of it. A video recorder with frame ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: accurate recording is the best solution, I think. Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3290 Counter - Essence texture??? 4/23/93 12:09 13/ mbed@wimsey.com (Manjit Bedi) Lines 1 to 10 of 13 (76%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- last night, I was trying to use the "Counter" texture that comes with Essence. I was attempting to map it to a disc (primitive imagine object). I was getting some funny results. It turns out I need to rotate the texture axis to get the digits to appear on the right surface of the disc. But the one that is confusing me is when I change the "Digit Width" and "Digit Height" values the object gets shaded with a cubist like pattern. This strikes me as something suspect; what could be going on here? I also played around with applying the texture to a cube (extruded ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: from a plane) and the results are the same. I doubled the size values from the default values. Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3292 Re: Editing times 4/23/93 14:55 14/ Jason Andreas <jandreas@cs.ulowell.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 14 (71%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > > If you have a 4000, perhaps the most cost effective solution is to get > the NEW Toaster which adds realtime playback of 24 bit animation. No > expensive single frame deck necessary. > --------------------- > No way... Come on... A hard drive can't retrieve 24-bit 700K images > fast enough to do real-time playback, unless, ofcourse, > they now use MPEG or some form of it. A video recorder with frame > accurate recording is the best solution, I think. > ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Actually, the Toaster4000 is just playing HAM8 anims. Newtek is probably using a variant of ANIM7, decompressing the entire anim in ram, and just CopyMemQuick()'ing to the screen. Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3293 Re: Steve's book 4/23/93 16:26 14/ Edward d Nobles <ednobles@sacam.oren.ortn.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 14 (71%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- On Fri, 23 Apr 1993, Mark Bergem wrote: > I was just wondering if anyone knew what the price was on "Understanding > Imagine 2.0"...I'm intrested in it..but I was just curious on the price > > Mark Bergem > ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Yes please tell us how much and HOW TO GET IT... someone.. Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3294 Toaster 4000 4/24/93 05:22 9/ ebers@gfxbase.in-berlin.de (Thorsten Ebers) Lines 1 to 9 of 9 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Anybody knowing if this Toaster is supporting PAL now ?? greetings Thorsten --- Thorsten Ebers e-mail: ebers@gfxbase.in-berlin.de Tel.: +49 30 321 3428 ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3295 Re: Editing times 4/23/93 08:19 39/ Mark Thompson <mark@westford.ccur.com> Lines 1 to 10 of 39 (25%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Well I have been deluged with replies to my post about the 4000 Toaster so I'll try to answer some of your questions publically. But I must preface my answers with a note that I have not actually seen the product perform yet and you will have to get the final word from NewTek when they return from NAB. Realtime playback means 30 fps. I am not sure if this also implies 60 fields per second but my guess is it does. The resolution is full toaster video resolution and in full color (at least to the limits of NTSC). 30MB/s is not necessary to achieve this because they are using a lossy compression scheme ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: much like Editmaster. However, unlike Editmaster, they are not using JPEG. NewTek chose to avoid JPEG/MPEG because of its poor visual artifacting. I am not sure what method they have selected but there are certainly other means of lossy image compression such as IFS. The current incarnation of the product is intended for 3D animation playback and high quality compiled switcher effects. It also works with the luma keyer allowing you to do such things as place animated logos over live incoming video. When I asked what quality of imagery it was capable of reproducing, I was told it is roughly equivalent to the Toaster framebuffer output. But this is a very subjective assessment so I am anxious to see it myself. My understanding is that you only get this Command: capablity on a 4000 with a hardware up-rev'd or NEW Toaster. I am not sure what type of HD is required to achieve their 30 fps full screen rate but it will be heavily tied to the compression ratio which I am unaware of. Since I havn't heard any talk about realtime compression of incoming video, it is possible that the compression scheme they have chosen is asymetrical meaning it takes far more compute power to compress that it does to playback. This is just fine for animation since the input is non-realtime anyway. Both MPEG and IFS are asymetrical. JPEG is symetrical and hence the basis for most realtime non-linear edit systems. Command: Hope this helps.......probably just gets your salivary glands going..... probably also makes you rethink that dongle complaint. %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% % ` ' Mark Thompson CONCURRENT COMPUTER % % --==* RADIANT *==-- mark@westford.ccur.com Principal Graphics % % ' Image ` ...!uunet!masscomp!mark Hardware Architect % % Productions (508)392-2480 (603)424-1829 & General Nuisance % % % ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3296 Re: Editing times 4/24/93 10:34 27/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 27 (37%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > No way... Come on... A hard drive can't retrieve 24-bit 700K images > fast enough to do real-time playback, unless, ofcourse, > they now use MPEG or some form of it. A video recorder with frame > accurate recording is the best solution, I think. > Actually, the Toaster4000 is just playing HAM8 anims. Newtek is probably using a variant of ANIM7, decompressing the entire anim in ram, and just CopyMemQuick()'ing to the screen. --------------------------------------------------- That explains it, but it is not the same as playing back real 24-bit ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: images, which HAM8's are not... They are Hold and Modify Images which have much finer quirks. Of course, video isn't really 24-bit, so I hear, and NTSC sucks. I guess it doesn't matter all that much. The advantage of a single frame VCR is is that you can make your animations as long as the tape. If I did it your way I would need at least a 1 gig hard drive and a lot more time spent writing/loading from the hard drive, deleting old animations, compressing/decompressing, etc. You do get more direct access to frames but if you are using delta compression, it might be that if you changed one frame in the animation you would have to change all the frames after the point at Command: which you changed the animation. Animation formats are good for short animations but for long ones I bet the single frame video recorders are better. I have never used one, I'm sure there is some maintenance involved, but the end result animation can be much longer than could be stuffed on a hard drive. Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3298 Impulse Newsletter? 4/23/93 20:16 6/ carroll%milliways@jesnic.jsc.nasa.gov (Carroll Moore) Lines 1 to 6 of 6 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Does Impulse regularly publish a newsletter? I've been using their products (i.e. Turbo Silver, Imagine 1.0 & 2.0) for over 2 years now and have only received one newsletter (around Christmas of '92)? Carroll ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3299 Re: Editing times 4/24/93 18:47 22/ mnemonic@netcom.com (Rev Lebaredian) Lines 1 to 10 of 22 (45%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > That explains it, but it is not the same as playing back real 24-bit > images, which HAM8's are not... They are Hold and Modify Images > which have much finer quirks. Of course, video isn't really Well, HAM8's could be called 24-bit since you choose from a 24-bit palette. You can have 256,000 unique colors on the screen at the same time from a palette of 16.8 million colors. If we take a HIRES LACE OVERSCAN screen of 768x482, that would give us exactly 370,176 pixels. It is very rare to have an image that will have a unique color for each pixel. Most 24-bit images I have created at ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: this resolution had about 20,000 unique colors. So for most images, you could not tell the differance between HAM8 and a true 24-bit display. Of course I am not taking into account fringing in high contrast areas, but I assume that with a base palette of 256 colors an intelligent program could avoid it. -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command: "My moral standing is lying down." mnemonic@netcom.com Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3301 Re: Editing times 4/24/93 22:21 48/ Jason Andreas <jandreas@cs.ulowell.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 48 (20%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > Realtime playback means 30 fps. I am not sure if this also implies 60 fields > per second but my guess is it does. The resolution is full toaster video > resolution and in full color (at least to the limits of NTSC). 30MB/s is not > necessary to achieve this because they are using a lossy compression scheme > much like Editmaster. However, unlike Editmaster, they are not using JPEG. > NewTek chose to avoid JPEG/MPEG because of its poor visual artifacting. I am > not sure what method they have selected but there are certainly other means of > lossy image compression such as IFS. The current incarnation of the product > is intended for 3D animation playback and high quality compiled switcher ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: > effects. It also works with the luma keyer allowing you to do such things > as place animated logos over live incoming video. When I asked what quality > of imagery it was capable of reproducing, I was told it is roughly equivalent > to the Toaster framebuffer output. But this is a very subjective assessment > so I am anxious to see it myself. My understanding is that you only get this > capablity on a 4000 with a hardware up-rev'd or NEW Toaster. I am not sure > what type of HD is required to achieve their 30 fps full screen rate but it > will be heavily tied to the compression ratio which I am unaware of. Since > I havn't heard any talk about realtime compression of incoming video, it is > possible that the compression scheme they have chosen is asymetrical meaning Command: > it takes far more compute power to compress that it does to playback. This is OA> just fine for animation since the input is non-realtime anyway. Both MPEG > and IFS are asymetrical. JPEG is symetrical and hence the basis for most > realtime non-linear edit systems. > > %~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~% > % ` ' Mark Thompson CONCURRENT COMPUTER % > % % > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > Command: The anims Newtek were playing at NAB were 320x200 (plus overscan?) HAM8. They did say that the release software would handle 752x480 HAM8. I have not seen the new toaster 4000, but I'm pretty sure it is still Video Slot based, and not a Zorro3 card, which they would need for their quoted playback speeds on the toaster's buffers. The genlock has been drastically improved (ie. now better than the amigen :) So the output should be fine for preview work on tape. I was told that Newtek was using a regular anim format with a custom header for political reasons. Command: ************************************************************* Jason Andreas * Author: ToasterVision * 135 Vine St. * Toaster F/X * Douglas, MA 01516 * FX Over Time * (508)476-4456 ************** Texturize * * Contributing Author: Image F/X * ************************************************************* Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3302 Re: Need DXF to 3D studio conversion 4/25/93 11:12 10/ srp@gcx1.ssd.csd.harris.com (Stephen Pietrowicz) Lines 1 to 10 of 10 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > > Hi. I need to be able to convert DXF files into 3D Studio files. > Anybody know of a means of doing this? > > Thanks, Ralph InterChange Plus and a couple of high-end add on modules can handle this. Call Syndesis and ask about it. (414) 674-5200. Steve ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3303 Off the subject (whoops, I made a funny) 4/23/93 16:26 21/ setzer@ssd.comm.mot.com (Thomas Setzer) Lines 1 to 10 of 21 (47%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Any one got a cheap place to buy memory(inexpensive, that is)? I need 70ns static column zip rams BTW, I just got my upgrade to Imagine 2.0(so it took me a while, so what). If I had know that the manual was an inch thick, I would have upgraded long ago. I always complained about the Imagine 1.0 manual, but this ones quite a change. I haven't gotten very far into it yet, and I know everyone says you need Steve(the lovely Official Spokesmodel for Apex Software) Worleys book, so is this one inch thick manual the same one everyone else got? Is it poorly ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: written? I guess I'll find out this weekend. don't forget my original question about the memory!!! Thanks Tom Setzer setzer@ssd.comm.mot.com "And of course, I'm a genius, so people are naturally drawn to my fiery Command: intellect. Their admiration overwhelms their envy!" - Calvin Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3304 R3D Mailing list? 4/25/93 13:45 11/ mikel@inqmind.bison.mb.ca (Michael Linton) Lines 1 to 10 of 11 (90%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hello. Does anyone know if there's a Real 3D mailing list, and what the address is? I'd appreciate it if they could tell me. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "...even the stuff you taught me, has been pushed back into the dark recesses of my mind... Need a candle or two (rendered of course, as my light source) to find all that buried info again..." -- Barb Hall on learning Imagine ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3305 Re: Impulse Newsletter? 4/25/93 06:31 17/ boinger@myamy.hacktic.nl (Paul Kolenbrander) Lines 1 to 10 of 17 (58%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hello Carroll Moore, On 23 APR 1993 22:16:55 you said regarding Impulse Newsletter?: > Does Impulse regularly publish a newsletter? I've been using their products > (i.e. Turbo Silver, Imagine 1.0 & 2.0) for over 2 years now and have only > received one newsletter (around Christmas of '92)? You should've gotten one this January also. I did... CYa, Paul ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: -- -He who laughs last didn't get the joke. -- Paul Kolenbrander \ InterNet: boinger@myamy.hacktic.nl Turfveldenstraat 37 \ Fido: 2:284/112.1 Paul Kolenbrander NL-5632 XH EINDHOVEN | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Voice: +31-40-415752 | Timezone:GMT+1 | Fax: +31-40-426446 Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3306 Re: Off the subject (whoops, I made a funny) 4/26/93 09:19 19/ sorvan@draco.bison.mb.ca (Colin Stobbe) Lines 1 to 10 of 19 (52%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > BTW, I just got my upgrade to Imagine 2.0(so it took me a while, so what). If > I had know that the manual was an inch thick, I would have upgraded long ago. > I always complained about the Imagine 1.0 manual, but this ones quite a change. > I haven't gotten very far into it yet, and I know everyone says you need > Steve(the lovely Official Spokesmodel for Apex Software) Worleys book, so is > this one inch thick manual the same one everyone else got? Is it poorly > written? I guess I'll find out this weekend. Hello, Well, I find the Imagine 1.0 manuals a lot more useful than the Imagine ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: 2.0 manuals (and Steve's book incredibly more helpful than both of these combined). Sure, the 2.0 manual is an inch thick, but the telephone book sitting beside me is even thicker than that, doesn't mean that it's useful in helping me to understand Imagine, though :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Colin Stobbe | There is a hole in your mind... and your sorvan@draco.bison.mb.ca | underwear as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3307 Re: Impulse Newsletter? 4/26/93 15:19 24/ "Cyrus J Kalbrener-1" <kalb0003@student.tc.umn.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 24 (41%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- On Sun, 25 Apr 1993, Paul Kolenbrander wrote: > Hello Carroll Moore, > On 23 APR 1993 22:16:55 you said regarding Impulse Newsletter?: > > > Does Impulse regularly publish a newsletter? I've been using their products > > (i.e. Turbo Silver, Imagine 1.0 & 2.0) for over 2 years now and have only > > received one newsletter (around Christmas of '92)? ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: > > You should've gotten one this January also. I did... Hah! I didn't get one in January, and when they told me they'd send me "another" one, I didn't get that one either! And here's the best part: I live about 20 minutes away from Impulse... Command: Go Figure... Cyrus J. Kalbrener Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3308 Re: Off the subject (whoops, I made a funny) 4/26/93 20:59 35/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 35 (28%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Any one got a cheap place to buy memory(inexpensive, that is)? I need 70ns static column zip rams ------------- I bought mine from Memory World.. I think, about 6 months ago it cost me about 140 dollars for 4 megs of 70ns. By the way, there is a Static Column burst mode that will get you 50ns access time. The big deal with Static Column, aftyer reading about it in my assembly class, is that the processor doesn't have to refresh the column and row addresses if the rows are the same and cust down on ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: wait states - or something like that, page mode only keeps you from refreshing the rows but the columns must be refreshed. I think the Ramses does automatic refreshes so the CPU doesn't.. I'm not sure, I have only read about it recently... Did anyone know that Dynamic Rams only take half of an address at a time, then output the data... I'd imagine that this would make memory reads and writes pretty slow. But Static Column is the best kind to get, according to my book. Also does anyone know why the Amiga 3000's and 4000's don't use an external Static Cache? According to the book I'm reading ("Microprocessors Command: and interfacing"-Douglas V. hall) the static cache method can achieve 0 wait-states whereas Static Column DRAM's can only achieve possibly as little as an "average number of .8 wait-states per memory access." ---------------- don't forget my original question about the memory!!! Thanks ----------------- Sorry... Well, I would suggest looking at Memory world's prices, if they still exist.. I had a friend install mine and it was kinda tough, but Command: I hit two birds with one stone by having my friend also install OS 2.04 ROMS to the daughterboard. They also sent along a diagram showing how to install rams into the 3000 and which jumpers to set. Although the diagram had been xerox'd so many times it was hardly readable. ----------------- Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3309 Re: Off the subject (whoops, I made a funny) 4/27/93 10:07 14/ "Oxley David" <oxleyd@gled.logica.co.uk> Lines 1 to 10 of 14 (71%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- In article <9304232326.AA01756@ssd.comm.mot.com>, setzer@ssd.comm.mot.com (Thomas Setzer) writes: > ... Is it poorly > written? I guess I'll find out this weekend. IMHO, it's more like a novel than a reference text in places, with a good measure of Impulse's philosophy thrown in. The index helps but it and the rest of the book could have done with better structuring (which partly explains the need for Steve Worley's UI2.0). It *does* contain a lot that is useful and as they keep on stressing, take the time to experiment, Imagine is a BIG program. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Regards, David Oxley. Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3310 Re: Editing times 4/26/93 20:44 53/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 53 (18%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > That explains it, but it is not the same as playing back real 24-bit > images, which HAM8's are not... They are Hold and Modify Images > which have much finer quirks. Of course, video isn't really Well, HAM8's could be called 24-bit since you choose from a 24-bit palette. You can have 256,000 unique colors on the screen at the same time from a palette of 16.8 million colors. If we take a HIRES LACE OVERSCAN screen of 768x482, that would give us exactly 370,176 pixels. It is very rare to have an image that will have a ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: unique color for each pixel. Most 24-bit images I have created at this resolution had about 20,000 unique colors. So for most images, you could not tell the differance between HAM8 and a true 24-bit display. Of course I am not taking into account fringing in high contrast areas, but I assume that with a base palette of 256 colors an intelligent program could avoid it. --------------------------------- True but you are forgetting processing requirements. On a true 24-bit image, true 3 bytes per pixel, you must only modify the bits in each pixel to add or subtract or perform smoothing Command: operations, or such, on an image. Of course, if HAM8 works the way I think it does, you have to make your code figure out how to modify colors in HAM8 mode by finding all the adjacent bits and recalculating the exact values to modify from pixel to pixel to get to the desired pixel color. Of course, there is probably algorithms in public domain, written in C or some such language, that handle thsi stuff for you, but it is by no means direct pixel color adjustments. The advantage of a HAM8 mode is that it uses only 8 bites per pixel, the disadvantage is that you must write complex algorithms that will most possibly waste more clock cycles Command: modifying the pixels on the screen than a typical algorithm written for a 24-bit color display. Does HAM8 have a base palette of 256 colors or 64 colors?? I have never had this explained to me.. I know that in regular HAM mode 6-bits are used, 2 bits are decoded into the 4 possible modes: Palette, Modify Red, Modify Green, Modify Blue. Then the remaining 4 bits make up either the shades of the primaries to add (supposedly) or the palette color to use, depending on the mode. Command: Now if this is the same as in HAM8 mode, then I say you can only have 64 shades per primary and 64 base palette colors. The reason why you can only have 256,000 colors is that 2^18 = 256,000 (approx) so you really don't have 256,000 from 16 million. Is it this or is thier some wierd encoding scheme that they have developed that will let you choose 256 colors as the palette and 256 shades to encode.. I would call this a 10bit mode, 2 bits to set the mode, 8 bits to modify or select the correct palette color. Command: ??? Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3311 Imagine 1.1 and cycle editor 4/27/93 05:48 26/ ua197@freenet.victoria.bc.ca (Christopher Stewart) Lines 1 to 10 of 26 (38%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- I seem to be having problems with Imagine 1.1's cycle editor. When I try to load a previously saved cycle object, I get a requester stating "not a (proper) animated object file". I haven't loaded the object into the detail editor and saved it out or anything like that. Both my work and archival objects have been affected (I keep two copies of major projects). If this is a bug (unknown to me) in Imagine, it's a biggie. I've just sent for Imagine 2.0 and will cancel the order if this is not remedied in that version. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: I'm using a stock 4000/040 with nothing major running in the background (just toolmanager, wbverlauf etc..). Example: save human form twice (see above), go to stage to check parameter, return to cycle and load fails (both versions). That quick to loose 6+ hours work ;-(. Any insights appreciated, Christopher Stewart Command: -- This Way Lies Madness.......... Ua197@freenet.victoria.bc.ca (512k A1000, a TV and one floppy ;-). Fido: 1:340/43, 1:134/92 Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3312 Re: Editing times 4/27/93 05:42 43/ "Andrew Church" <95ACHURCH@vax.mbhs.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 43 (23%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- >Does HAM8 have a base palette of 256 colors or 64 colors?? 64 colors. >I have never had this explained to me.. I know that in regular >HAM mode 6-bits are used, 2 bits are decoded into the >4 possible modes: Palette, Modify Red, Modify Green, Modify Blue. >Then the remaining 4 bits make up either the shades of the primaries >to add (supposedly) or the palette color to use, depending on the mode. >Now if this is the same as in HAM8 mode, then I say you can only ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: >have 64 shades per primary and 64 base palette colors. The reason >why you can only have 256,000 colors is that 2^18 = 256,000 (approx) >so you really don't have 256,000 from 16 million. Yes, this is actually how it works. There are 64 base colors, and you can modify the high 6 bits of each color. I think (although I'm not sure) that the top 2 bits specify the color-selection mode as follows: 00 - base color 01 - modify red, hold green and blue Command: 10 - modify green, hold red and blue 11 - modify blue, hold red and green >Is it this or is thier some wierd encoding scheme that they have >developed that will let you choose 256 colors as the palette and >256 shades to encode.. I would call this a 10bit mode, 2 bits >to set the mode, 8 bits to modify or select the correct palette >color. Hmmm... HAM-10 would be nice... Command: There is one other problem that I encountered once: if you have a very large (i.e. larger than screen size) picture in HAM, you can only see the leftmost portion of it correctly; otherwise, you get strange colors on the leftmost portion of the viewable picture. There should be an easy way around this, such as remembering the color of pixels scrolled of the left edge of the screen, but I've never seen a viewer program that does this. For those of you lucky enough to have AGA, you can just select a screenmode that's larger. I only have an ECS A2000 :-( Command: --Andy Church Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3313 Archive 36 now available 4/27/93 11:55 9/ marvinl@amber.rc.arizona.edu (Marvin Landis) Lines 1 to 9 of 9 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Archive number 36 is now available on wuarchive.wustl.edu ( in the pub/amiga/incoming/imagine/archive directory. It has also been sent to The Graphics BBS (file-server@graphics.rent.com), so it should be showing up there soon also. Archive 36 contains articles posted from Apr. 7 - Apr. 23. As always if you have any problems with the archives, let me know. Marvin Landis marvinl@amber.rc.arizona.edu ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3314 Re: Off the subject (whoops, I made a funny) 4/27/93 10:05 9/ "William J Toninato-1" <tonin001@staff.tc.umn.edu> Lines 1 to 9 of 9 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > this one inch thick manual the same one everyone else got? Is it poorly > written? I guess I'll find out this weekend. Mike wrote the manual himself this time. He wrote it just like he talks. If you enjoy listening to him you will enjoy it. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3315 Retina 24bit Graphics Card... 4/27/93 14:26 53/ Alex <esuoj@csv.warwick.ac.uk> Lines 1 to 10 of 53 (18%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- OK guys here we go, a bit of info. on the Retina form those nice people at MacroSystems in Germany (the people that brought you VLab)... Before I go any further let me say that I've had the card for just under a week now so this is by no means my definitive impressions *:o) Why sould you be so interesed in another 24bit card... well several reasons o 24 bit resolutions upto 1152x900 o 8 bit resolutions upto 2400x1200 ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: o 4 megs of very fast video ram o Flicker free deinterlaced displays upto about 1280x1024, but only if you've got the monitor for it *:o( o Full Workbench & Intuition emulation =Bo) Ok so what does all this mean? Well I've been running Imagine on an 800x600 screen (biggest screen my monitor can handle without flicker), and guess what... Imagine uses the whole screen its given on all the editors except the Project and Action (they use the full hight but remain 640 wide). Command: Everything seems to run a bit faster too and is extreamly stable. Sometimes the screen goes funny but a quick Amiga-R soon clears that up. The card works with almost everything (infact the only thing it can't do is play normal amiga animations, but it can play 24 bit anims made up of still (albeit very slowly). Every different Amiga screen can be sent to either the Retina or the Amiga, so incompatiable progs. are not really a problem. A saver for ADPro and Imagemaster are included, as is a display program and all the Workbench emulation software as well as a (slow) 24 bit paint proggy Also included is a 'harliquin' library which lets the card emulate a Command: Harliquinworks and works like a dream. The harliquin version of TVPaint runs perfectly and look gorgeous *Bo) The software provied is of a high standard and works very well. The manual, although short, is pretty go, although the card is pretty easy to figure out without it. The best setup seems to be two monitors, one for the Amiga and one for the Retina, although I'm working with just one no prolbems. This card seems to be a dream come true, with massive screens available and no loss in speed (Workbench definatly runs faster infact!). And at only Command: about 500 UK pounds (~$750) it doesn't leave too much dent in the pocket! Feel free to mail me if you have any questions about it (I just love talking about it). Now when can I get that 21" monitor I've always wanted... Alex. ------------------------- #include <.signiture.h> -------------------------- **************************************************************************** Alex Craig. /// CSE Student, Warwick Uni. GB Command: "MayTheSkyNeverFallOnYourHead!" \\\/// esuoj@csv.warwick.ac.uk -Cheif Vitelsatistix \XX/ AMIGA eezer@dcs.warwick.ac.uk **************************************************************************** Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3316 Imagine Help!!!!!Help!!!! 4/27/93 20:27 38/ Tamra@debug.cuc.ab.ca Lines 1 to 10 of 38 (26%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hello Imagine users, I'm fairly new to this mailing list, but it seems to be quite informative. Thanks to Alex who gave us some stats on the Retina board. I've ordered a Retina and am awaiting it's arrival.. Glad to know it works well. Now if only Canada Customs would hurry up and clear the package!!! I have a couple of questions maybe someone can help me with. Lets assume I'm doing an animation of a car moving along a winding ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: road, which was extruded along a path. I'm moving the car by having it follow the same path. I want the camera to move so that we have a constant view of the road, and the hood of the car.. as if the viewer is sitting inside the car. If I have the camera follow the same path, it's positioned down below the car looking ahead. How can I get the camera to follow the car while remaining slightly above and behind it to get the view I want? Is there a way to offset the camera's position from an object? Or do I have to create a second path (groan)? On page 88 of Steven Worley's book he does mention something about following a car from the rear or side, but doesn't really explain how to do it. If I don't figure this out soon I'm Command: going to seriously hurt my Amiga!!! Also, I noticed that when the camera follows my path it's on it's side (like the road is vertical on the right side of the viewing screen..) Obviously I (stupidly) positioned my axes wrong when creating my path, but it will be really time consuming to rotate every axis now.. can this be fixed? BTW, I have a few pics I've already completed and was wondering if there is an FTP site where other Imagine users are uploading their pics? I'm on GEnie but I haven't seen much on there... Command: Thanks in advance, Tamra {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} {}BlackSabbathMudhoneyGreenRiverRollinsBandL7MonsterMagnetBOCMinistryPantera{} {} Tamra Ross <tamra@debug.cuc.ca.ab> Calgary, Alberta, Canada !Amiga! {} {}SoundgardenFaithNoMoreAliceInChainsSlayerMotherLoveBoneWhiteZombiePearlJam{} {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3317 ISBN number 4/22/93 14:26 14/ Jacek Artymiak <jartymiak@cix.compulink.co.uk> Lines 1 to 10 of 14 (71%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hi, Could someone please post the ISBN number for `Understanding Imagine 2.0' the reprint, please? TIA, --=================================================================-- Jacek Artymiak : e-mail: jartymiak@cix.compulink.co.uk ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Amiga 3000T + OpalVision --=================================================================-- Jacek Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3318 Imagine PC Questions?? 4/27/93 23:38 11/ kruzifix@netcom.com (Living On The Edge......) Lines 1 to 10 of 11 (90%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- I'm new to this list, and I'm wondering if anyone knows the hardware requirements for Imagine PC? Can it run under IBM OS/2 2.x? Some MSDOS programs run faster under OS/2 2.x. ============================================================================= Roland Chia | >>> Air-Cooled >>> EMAIL:kruzifix@netcom.com | >>> Free-Falling >>> VOICE:(209)447-9403 | >>> Carbon Unit >>> ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: ============================================================================= Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3319 Re: Imagine 1.1 and cycle editor 4/28/93 01:31 30/ ua197@freenet.victoria.bc.ca (Christopher Stewart) Lines 1 to 10 of 30 (33%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- >This happens to me all the time under Imagine 2.0. The workaround is >to go to the detail editor, load the "improper object", pick it, and >select "cycle shuffle" from the Functions menu. This does absolutely >nothing to the object, since it already is properly set up, but it >seems to set some flag that makes the Cycle editor recognize the >object again. >...oops, just checked my old Imagine 1.0 manual, and it doesn't seem >to have this option. But when Imagine 2.0 arrives, you should be able ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: >to use the above procedure to recover your object. BTW, I think the >upgrade is worth it, even though it still has some bugs. > > Evan K., kirchh@ccu.umanitoba.ca Well, at least I'll be able to recover my cycles. Someone (I'd give the credit but I've already deleted the message) else suggested bringing the object into the detail editor and regrouping the object to a null axis. I'll try that for the intrum. Is there anything else that I should know about 2.0? Most Command: importantly, have any NEW bugs been introduced? Did they fix the palette locking? Thanx for your help, Christopher -- This Way Lies Madness.......... Ua197@freenet.victoria.bc.ca (512k A1000, a TV and one floppy ;-). Fido: 1:340/43, 1:134/92 Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3320 Re: Imagine Help!!!!!Help!!!! 4/28/93 05:44 46/ mbc@po.cwru.edu (Michael B. Comet) Lines 1 to 10 of 46 (21%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > > Lets assume I'm doing an animation of a car moving along a winding >road, which was extruded along a path. I'm moving the car by having it >follow the same path. I want the camera to move so that we have a constant >view of the road, and the hood of the car.. as if the viewer is sitting >inside the car. If I have the camera follow the same path, it's positioned >down below the car looking ahead. How can I get the camera to follow the >car while remaining slightly above and behind it to get the view I want? ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: >Is there a way to offset the camera's position from an object? Or do I >have to create a second path (groan)? On page 88 of Steven Worley's book >he does mention something about following a car from the rear or side, but >doesn't really explain how to do it. If I don't figure this out soon I'm >going to seriously hurt my Amiga!!! Just load another copy of the same path, and move it where you want. ie: 2 paths, but you don't have to make it from scratch. > Also, I noticed that when the camera follows my path it's on it's Command: >side (like the road is vertical on the right side of the viewing screen..) >Obviously I (stupidly) positioned my axes wrong when creating my path, but >it will be really time consuming to rotate every axis now.. can this be >fixed? Either use custom alignment, or i think there is a setting for the Y rotation only....i forget.. You may have to use custom alignment, or remake the path. Ah! Actually, if only the camera is having this problem, and you want it to look at the car anyways, why not just TRACK the camera to the car? Command: > BTW, I have a few pics I've already completed and was wondering if >there is an FTP site where other Imagine users are uploading their pics? I'm >on GEnie but I haven't seen much on there... > This is in the FAQ. wuarchive.wustl.edu i forget teh dir. (allready!) > Thanks in advance, > Command: -- +======================================================================+ | Michael B. Comet - Software Engineer / Graphics Artist - CWRU | | mbc@po.CWRU.Edu - "Silence those who oppose the freedom of speech" | +======================================================================+ Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3321 Archive 36 from file-server@graphics.rent.com 4/28/93 07:29 7/ carroll%milliways@jesnic.jsc.nasa.gov (Carroll Moore) Lines 1 to 7 of 7 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Marvin, How do i retreive archive 36 from file-server@graphics.rent.com? I can't use ftp! I've heard this mentioned before but I am unaware how to proper retreive files from this type of an address. Carroll ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3322 Rrrrre: Pixel 3d/aga 4/18/93 09:46 13/ "Ryan K. Brooks" <2575BROOKSR@vmsf.csd.mu.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 13 (76%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- I hate to enter into the fight :), but my original post was just noting that Pixel 3d doesn't promote correctly. amipb@amipb.gna. writes: Of course, I can't know what Pixel 3D is doing during it's event loop, and this program is under copyrights, so I have no legal way to know how it works. But the fact is here, they use standard Intuition Gadgets (and Windows, and Screen). Are you sure its a normal screen? If it is, they are playing with it's ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: copperlist. Ryan Brooks 2575brooksr@vms.csd.mu.edu Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3323 Re: Archive 36 now available 4/28/93 10:24 16/ "William J Toninato-1" <tonin001@staff.tc.umn.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 16 (62%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- On 27 Apr 1993, Marvin Landis wrote: > > Archive number 36 is now available on wuarchive.wustl.edu ( in > the pub/amiga/incoming/imagine/archive directory. It has also been sent to The > Graphics BBS (file-server@graphics.rent.com), so it should be showing up there > soon also. Archive 36 contains articles posted from Apr. 7 - Apr. 23. As > always if you have any problems with the archives, let me know. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: > > Marvin Landis > marvinl@amber.rc.arizona.edu What else can be found at (file-server@graphics.rent.com)? Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3326 Toaster 4000 4/28/93 14:08 6/ ssujstra@reading.ac.uk Lines 1 to 6 of 6 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hi there, This is a quick quetion... Will some one please say wether or not the new toaster will work on a PAL 4000????? ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3327 New Toaster 4/28/93 14:12 7/ ssujstra@reading.ac.uk Lines 1 to 7 of 7 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hello all, Just a quick question... Does the new Toaster work in a PAL 4000 in PAL mode????? Ta Jason ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3328 Re: Imagine Help!!!!!Help!!!! 4/28/93 13:52 41/ Frank R. Dana Jr. <danaf@rpi.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 41 (24%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > From mbc@thor.ins.cwru.edu Wed Apr 28 09:23:02 1993 > > Also, I noticed that when the camera follows my path it's on it's > >side (like the road is vertical on the right side of the viewing screen..) > >Obviously I (stupidly) positioned my axes wrong when creating my path, but > >it will be really time consuming to rotate every axis now.. can this be > >fixed? > > Either use custom alignment, or i think there is a setting for > the Y rotation only....i forget.. You may have to use custom alignment, ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: > or remake the path. Ah! Actually, if only the camera is having this > problem, and you want it to look at the car anyways, why not just TRACK > the camera to the car? Actually, I believe translations can also affect the camera, so you could conceivably just switch the axes IN THE CAMERA to create the proper orientation. Not sure how this would affect the picture, though. Try it, it's a 30-second fix. > > Thanks in advance, Command: > > -- > +======================================================================+ > | Michael B. Comet - Software Engineer / Graphics Artist - CWRU | > | mbc@po.CWRU.Edu - "Silence those who oppose the freedom of speech" | > +======================================================================+ /////////////////////////[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (718) (212) (516) (518) =======Amiuser============Frank R. Dana, Jr.============Doc Ami======= Command: --------My opinions rarely reflect those of any sane person,---------- living, dead, or undead... that's gonna CHANGE. P.S> When I said "translations" I meant the general sort of transformations you can do from the Transform box - the proper action would of course be a rotation, axes only. 8) Command: Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3330 Mail lists wanted 4/28/93 17:16 10/ collett@agora.rain.com (Ray Collett) Lines 1 to 10 of 10 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- I would like to get the mailing list subscription addresses for the following topics: (assuming that all of the following lists exist) LightWave and/or VideoToaster Real 3D Adpro If any of you have any other list addresses that you think I might be intrested in, please post them. thanks, ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3331 Re: Retina 24bit Graphics Card... 4/28/93 21:06 14/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 14 (71%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- This card seems to be a dream come true, with massive screens available and no loss in speed (Workbench definatly runs faster infact!). And at only about 500 UK pounds (~$750) it doesn't leave too much dent in the pocket! Feel free to mail me if you have any questions about it (I just love talking ---------------- Where can I get it??? I live in the united states... Is there some brochure I can get on it... I'm really interested... ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: ;-) later Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3333 Rendering problem... 4/29/93 01:15 23/ awren@st6000.sct.edu (Alan Wren) Lines 1 to 10 of 23 (43%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Greetings fellow imaginers! I seem to have hit a problem again... I have a fairly simple picture of an altar that I am working on... It had a simple wooden spire as a center piece, but that was too plain so I made a crystal ball with a gold holder around it.... and now, when I add this to my picture and try to render, it crashes. every time. I have imagine 2.0, 7 megs ram, 030/882 and wb2.0. I've tried taking out the altar and it works fine. wireframs work good, but scanline and trace simply crash the whole system. i've quickrendered the ball ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: and it works fine as well.. now I could handle an error message better, but this crashing before it even starts to render the picture is infuriating! does anyone have any ideas that could help? there doesn't seem to be any reason why this ball shouldn't work in the picture... *sigh* -- The Archdruid of Internet... / Information wants to be free. awren@st6000.ct.edu / Believe it, pal. --------------------------------- ::::::Bruce Sterling Command: \_________________________________ We are the music makers. And we are the dreamers of the dreams. :::::Wille Wonka Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3334 PAL & Toaster & LW 4/29/93 01:30 17/ ssujstra@reading.ac.uk Lines 1 to 10 of 17 (58%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Thanks for the quick answers about the PAL statis of the new Toaster 4000. The reason I am so interested in it is that I have heard so much about the Light Wave program but have never seen it! I know that NewTek are supposed to be making a stand alone version of the program, but I have to ask .. Will it be a full version?? As for Opal Vision.. this looks like a very neat bit of kit. I have not seen it first hand yet, but that is only a matter of time. However if I was going to buy a graphics card it would be for displaying big screens for running Xwindow on. (Hooked on this cause of the Uni Machines :) ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Talking of big screens can anyone recommend a 17" Monitor for a 4000 that is avaliable in the UK and that preferably syncs down to 15kHz and beyond 60kHz (Just to keep my options open in the future ;-) Happy Modeling.. Jason Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3335 Re: Editing times 4/28/93 21:03 15/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 15 (66%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- ********************stuf snipped off******************************* color of pixels scrolled of the left edge of the screen, but I've never seen a viewer program that does this. For those of you lucky enough to have AGA, you can just select a screenmode that's larger. I only have an ECS A2000 :-( --Andy Church ------------------ Me too... I am however going to get a 1200 to fill up that void... I have a 16/50 3000... ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: I would like to find someone who has tried programming in the HAM8 modes.. It sorta sounds like CBM is pulling the wool over our eyes somehow.. ------------------ Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3336 PAL Toaster 4/29/93 03:57 4/ ssujstra@reading.ac.uk Lines 1 to 4 of 4 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- The answer that was mailed was a definit No.. Jas ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3337 Vanilla Monitors 4/29/93 07:24 23/ ssujstra@reading.ac.uk Lines 1 to 10 of 23 (43%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- >As for the monitor question, I'rd recommend having a look at the >Vinilla monitors from New Horizions Computers. They were in the latest >copies of Amiga Format and Amiga Shopper. I've been saving up for one of >these babies, and when I rang New Horizions they were very helpful. >Sorry I cant remember the number, but its in the mags. Give them a ring >and ask for the full specs. >The 17" version sells for about 550 UK pounds!!!! I have also spoken to the freindly man about these monitors. The only problem ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: that I have with them is that they will not sync down to 15kHz.. This is not a problem as long as your software works with mode promotion, but there are always (or at least in the near future) going to be programs that will not work properly as there is no easy access to programming guidlines from commodore. <- If you are in the UK that is.. But as you say 550 UK pounds is just a bit too tempting to resist for long. Also who supplys the Retina board in the UK and is there a verified price? Command: Jason.... Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3338 Vincent, write me back! 4/29/93 08:34 5/ pmancini@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu (Peter Mancini) Lines 1 to 5 of 5 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- The address I have for Vincent Fargat is incorrect. Could he please send me mail. All of my responses to his last message bounced. --Pete ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3339 More Vanilla Monitors 4/29/93 11:31 31/ ssujstra@reading.ac.uk Lines 1 to 10 of 31 (32%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hi alex and anyone else, It was a little while ago that I spoke to the Vanilla people, as far as I can remember the horizontal did go up to 80 ish. I don't remember the specifics after he said 'mode promotion' as at the time I definately did not want to use that. However this Retina board is sounding very nice indeed, but I can foresee a few minor problems with it: 1. As C= are going to release the AAA chipset in July, or so I have heard from a reliable source, and as I have a 4000, this means that ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: I will be given first grabs for upgrading. There is a guesstimate price of around 250-300 pounds for a full upgrade includeing Workbench 4.0, which fully supports the retargetable graphics protocol (Which I doubt that the Retina does). As far as I know the AAA chips will give similar resolutions to the Retina ie something in the range of 1024x1024x24. 2. Using the Retina means that I will lose the use of the Video slot. This rules out using an OpalVision card with a Roaster chip for doing lovely video effects. Or too be less specific any higher performance board that uses the video slot. As I assume that the Retina is purely Command: for display enhancement (am I wrong?) this is a limiting use of said video slot. So I think a short pause is in order to yet again wait on the big C=. All I am certain is that no matter what I get it will be the one that is replaced within a week! Jas PS I will probably be forced to eat my words and shoot my 'reliable' source Command: as because I have said it commodore will not release the AAA.!! :( Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3340 Global Reflection Maps? 4/29/93 15:12 16/ Outatime <jg003b@uhura.cc.rochester.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 16 (62%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- I'm wondering how Imagine 2.0 uses global reflection maps. I mean, if I have a highly reflective plane and a 320 * 200 HAM image as a global reflection picture then how big does the plane have to be to fully reflect the image? I managed to create chrome font object that reflected most of the global reflection pic once but I can't seem to attain the same results. This other question regards Imagine PC. Will Essence work with the PC version? If not will Apex put out a PC version? The Essence package is terrific!! I use it all the time, and if I use a 486 as a slave I'd like to ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: be able to use Essence textures in my renderings. Is this possible? That is all... Thanks in advance... Outatime -----> Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3341 Re: Rendering problem... 4/29/93 13:38 18/ John J Humpal <johnh@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 18 (55%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Alan Wren writes: > > so I made a crystal ball with a gold holder around it.... and now, > when I add this to my picture and try to render, it crashes. every time. > One "version" of Imagine 2.0 (FPU version) crashes whenever two or more shadow-casting lights encounter a refractive object. The only work-around is to change the scene so that only one light casts shadows. I think you can also send in the original disk with the buggy version of Imagine and get a fixed version. I have the ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: buggy version, but I'm just going to wait for 3.0 to come out rather than spend the couple of bucks it would cost to mail the disk. -- -John John J. Humpal -- johnh@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu -- short .sig, std. disclaimer Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3342 MORE Retina 4/30/93 01:44 6/ ssujstra@reading.ac.uk Lines 1 to 6 of 6 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Alex.. Now a retina in a normal slot is very tempting indeed! You are on the right lines with the library thing and retargetable (I think). Jas ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3343 Re More Vanilla Monitors 4/30/93 06:03 25/ luiten@trantor.nmsd.oz.au (Robin Luiten) Lines 1 to 10 of 25 (40%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > from: <ssujstra@reading.ac.uk> > 2. Using the Retina means that I will lose the use of the Video slot. > This rules out using an OpalVision card with a Roaster chip for doing > lovely video effects. Or too be less specific any higher performance > board that uses the video slot. As I assume that the Retina is purely > for display enhancement (am I wrong?) this is a limiting use of said > video slot. > As far as I know the Retina board does not require the Video slot. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: [Please correct me if I am wrong] We had one here to play with about 2 weeks back and the guy who had it said he had an OpalVision in the Video slot and a Retina board in one of the other slots just last week and things were fine and dandy. Of course he had two monitors and the displays are independent. Robin _-_|\ r.luiten@nmsd.oz.au /Disclaimer: / * <-- Systems Development (AOTC), / Command: \_.-._/ Telecom East Tower Roma St, / C references are NULL && void* v Brisbane, Australia. / Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3344 Archive 36 from file-server@graphics.rent.com 4/30/93 03:09 36/ bobl@graphics.rent.com (Bob Lindabury - SysAdm) Lines 1 to 10 of 36 (27%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- rutgers!jesnic.jsc.nasa.gov!carroll%milliways (Carroll Moore) writes: > Marvin, > How do i retreive archive 36 from file-server@graphics.rent.com? I can't > I've heard this mentioned before but I am unaware how to proper retreive file > from this type of an address. > > Carroll > ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: You send a mail message to file-server@graphics.rent.com and in that mail message you put: HELP /DIR This will send the help file to your mailbox which tells you how to use the server. The /DIR command will send you a complete directory of all files available via the server. Command: This is a mail-based server meaning that you send it mail and it processes it and then sends you what you request back to your mailbox. In the case of binary files (.lha and such) the files will be UUEncoded and split into 50k sections and then mailed back to you. You must then join the parts, uudecode the file and then you will have the original archive once again. -- Bob Command: The Graphics BBS 908/469-0049 "It's better than a sharp stick in the eye!" ============================================================================ InterNet: bobl@graphics.rent.com | Raven Enterprises UUCP: ...rutgers!bobsbox!graphics!bobl | 25 Raven Avenue BitNet: bobl%graphics.rent.com@pucc | Piscataway, NJ 08854 Home #: 908/560-7353 | 908/271-8878 Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3345 Playmation Wanted (again) and Imagine competitive upgrade. 5/1/93 09:00 18/ Mark Marino <omar@osf.org> Lines 1 to 10 of 18 (55%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- If anyone has the latest version of Playmation that they'd like to sell for $150-$200, please let me know. I'm mostly interested in buying it so I can get the competitive upgrade to Imagine 3.0 for $200. Does anyone know what Imagine is accepting for the competitive upgrade in terms of other packages and requirements for proof (master disks, title page, etc.)? Most of the software I'm using is more multimedia related (Toolbook, Compel, etc). Does any of this stuff qualify? ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Thanks, Mark ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | | Mark Marino | omar@osf.org | uunet!osf!omar | | Open Software Foundation | 11 Cambridge Center | Cambridge, MA 02142 | |_____________________________________________________________________________| Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3346 ImaginePC and DOS 6.0 5/1/93 08:47 23/ Edward d Nobles <ednobles@sacam.oren.ortn.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 23 (43%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- I got my copy of Imagine PC about a week ago... I have never used the product before. Last Commodore machine I owned was a C 128 about 5 years ago. My PC is a 486/33 with 8 megs and DOS 6.0. I haven't used the "doublespace" stacker like utility on my hard drive yet but I'm thinking about it. Does anyone know if this is a good idea or not? Imagine and DoubleSpace stacking? For the people who have said uncomplimentary things about the Imagine Manual, I have read about 75% of the thing and I can honestly say that I ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: understand about 8% of what I've read. It appears to be somewhat like a real manual only not as good. Interesting reading though. Considering the responses I've gotten concerning Steve Worley's book, _Understanding Imagaine, (zero responses) I suppose it simply isn't available. Unfortunate. I need it... Later, Jim Nobles Command: Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3347 Update: Mail lists wanted 5/3/93 17:22 16/ collett@agora.rain.com (Ray Collett) Lines 1 to 10 of 16 (62%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Errors-To: nobody@email.sp.paramax.com So far I have recieved only one mail list address: lightwave@bobsbox.rent.com send requests to: lightwave-request@bobsbox.rent.com If anyone else has or knows of mail lists concerning the Amiga or any of its progams, please post them. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: o-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-o | Ray Collett collett@agora.rain.comm | O PSI Animations The animation experts in Portland, Or. O | | o-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-o Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3348 Update: Mail lists wanted 5/3/93 18:15 15/ collett@agora.rain.com (Ray Collett) Lines 1 to 10 of 15 (66%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Errors-To: nobody@email.sp.paramax.com So far I have recieved only one mail list address: lightwave@bobsbox.rent.com send requests to: lightwave-request@bobsbox.rent.com If anyone else has or knows of mail lists concerning the Amiga or any of its progams, please post them. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: o-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-o | Ray Collett collett@agora.rain.comm | O PSI Animations The animation experts in Portland, Or. O | | o-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-<>-o Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3349 Re: More Vanilla Monitors 1/1/93 00:47 24/ amipb@amipb.gna.org (Philippe Berard) Lines 1 to 10 of 24 (41%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hello ssujstra (ssujstra). On Apr 29, you have written : > 1. As C= are going to release the AAA chipset in July, or so I have Well, it's quite funny to hear this, as AAA won't be ready until next year. Do you want to break the AA market ? > that the Retina does). As far as I know the AAA chips will give similar > resolutions to the Retina ie something in the range of 1024x1024x24. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: No, no 24 bits modes, but a 16bit packed mode called Hybrid, which will allow 24 bits colors. And there will be 4 different configurations for AAA : Without or with Video Ram, and single or dual buffer. High resolutions with millions colours won't be there on cheap configurations (IMHO). Sincerely, -- Philippe .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. Command: | Philippe Berard (French Amiga User) | UseNet : amipb@amipb.gna.org | | "They hold a cup of wisdom, | -> Please don't send mails | | But there is nothing within" (Kate Bush). | >50 Ko ! | `----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3350 Anims 5/1/93 10:43 12/ "Cyrus J Kalbrener-1" <kalb0003@student.tc.umn.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 12 (83%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- O.K. So now I've got a nice four second 768x482 256 color anim that takes up about ten megs. I want to play it. I can't. ViewTek1.04 will load the first frame and then lock up. DPaint can't load the whole thing. ShowAnim just gives me a blank 320x200 screen. I'm lost. I'm running an A4000 w/18 Megs or RAM. Someone (anyone) have any ideas? ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3351 Stacker and Imagine for the PC 5/1/93 12:49 27/ "Tony R. Boutwell" <trb3@ra.msstate.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 27 (37%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hi... this is to Jim Nobles..I have stacker version 3.0 and it seems to work fine with Imagine for the pc....for that matter... nothing I have used yet seems to have any prob with stacker.... Its a really nice program. I have a 486-DX 50 with a removable bernoullie hard-drive also.... <---and it works fine to with it... and I dont know where you can get the Steve Worley book, but it is worth the trouble of trying to find it! ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: good luck....ps I just got 3D-Studio <---- and I love it... I still love Imagine too...but wow.....is it nice. 3D-Studio cost retail about 2900$ and after calling around the cheapest I could find it.. (retail) was 2400$.... But since I am in college.. I got it through the school with an educational discount....guess how much... only 367$ <---great price... Command: one more ps.... does anyone know what is the fastest video card (local bus) for doing anims and flics....I am looking for a card that will give me the fastest frames per second on screen? I have 64-MEGS of ram using 16-meg simms.. Tony Boutwell (above video card is for the ibm (vesa structure)) trb3@ra.msstate.edu Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3352 Ordering Understanding Imagine 2.0 5/4/93 00:08 21/ awren@st6000.sct.edu (Alan Wren) Lines 1 to 10 of 21 (47%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Welp, I noticed some people were wondering how to get THE book still, so I thought I'd post a way to find it... (I just got mine today! drool drool) I found it at DevWare mail order for $27.95. the number is 1-800-879-0759 and the book number is B107 I believe S&H was $5 also... but seeing how hard this book ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: was to find, i didn't think it was too bad.. ;) hope this helps! -- The Archdruid of Internet... / Information wants to be free. awren@st6000.ct.edu / Believe it, pal. --------------------------------- ::::::Bruce Sterling \_________________________________ We are the music makers. And we are the dreamers of the dreams. Command: :::::Wille Wonka Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3353 On Impulse manual shredding 5/2/93 13:13 17/ Naked Man <parham@athena.cs.uga.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 17 (58%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- To be succinct, a thought occured to me as I read recent and distant critiques of the Imagine manual in its current state... I see very little to complain about in the manual. We all like to act lazy and pretend to never read manuals, but its just like school was: You're not going to get very far without reading, and the paperback brick of a manual just released seems to me a dandy little reference book. It's not Nicholas Nickleby, but I look at it in terms of when I FIRST learned my way around an editor. The Turbo Silver manual left ALOT to be desired, true, but part of this was just my frustration at learning the new environment. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Currently, I am learning the interface for Caligari24. By comparison, its learning curve is more like a minor hill in Florida. It's pretty wonderful so far, I may have to find a Caligari list, hrm? No, don't worry, I'm too sold on the flexibility offered by Imagine to give it up. Friends who work on Iris Indigos say the same, believe it or not. wes~ Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3354 Re: Pixel 3d/aga 1/1/93 00:35 26/ amipb@amipb.gna.org (Philippe Berard) Lines 1 to 10 of 26 (38%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hello Ryan (Ryan K. Brooks). On Apr 18, you have written : > I hate to enter into the fight :), but my original post was just noting > that Pixel 3d doesn't promote correctly. > > Are you sure its a normal screen? If it is, they are playing with it's > copperlist. Well, at least it's a normal screen which is here when Pixel 3D runs. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Now, too much for this thread. I've received Real3D 2.0 last week and I'm testing it. I've found 2 big bugs (if someone can define the velocity of the ball in 'tutorial 6.17.4', please e-mail me) and find it a little bit slow. And it's still hard to do precise modelling... But I hope this product will evolve quicker than last version (1.4). I would like to know if there is any mailing-list for this program ? Sincerely, -- Philippe Command: .----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Philippe Berard (French Amiga User) | UseNet : amipb@amipb.gna.org | | "They hold a cup of wisdom, | -> Please don't send mails | | But there is nothing within" (Kate Bush). | >50 Ko ! | `----------------------------------------------------------------------------' Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3355 Stacker? 5/3/93 17:15 6/ bill@winter.softint.com Lines 1 to 6 of 6 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Has anybody heard of anything like stacker for the amiga? William E. Costello Software Interfaces ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3356 Re: Archive 36 from file-server@graphics.rent.com 5/1/93 15:56 252/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 252 (3%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Here it is... the programs you have all been waiting for... ya right.. wel maybe.. This is about two days effort and very simple... All these programs do is let you do fly-throughs on Rayshade using a Unix system equiped with Cjpeg/Djpeg and the capability of puting jobs in the background. Here is the code... I will upload the complete examples to wuarchive, if I can get on... under imagine directory, if I can find it.. ;-) ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: (tabstops = 3) ----------- :::::::::::::: rayfly.c :::::::::::::: /* Kiernan Holland's RayFly copyright 1993*/ /* Okay, this is hardly worth copyrighting but just in case, it is... This is shareware?? No, who would pay for the crud ;-) but I am making it freely-redistributable.. Really, this Command: is just a hint for others to find better ways to make animations with Rayshade, Imagine and Getx11. Later I might add a batch file that makes animations on the Amiga, but for now it just works for me in Getx11.. Why RayFly? Why not Imagine? First of all, Rayshade can run a number of UNIX systems at once, it has many features that Imagine could really use but doesn't have, Rayshade is made to run on UNIX machines, and the best reason?? Command: Well, I have access to a Xwindows machine with CJPEG,DJPEG, Rayshade, Getx11 and I have Imagine and an AMiga 3000 at home. The machines at school take none of my home computers RAM, take none of my home computers CPU time and those workstations are on all the time, so why not make use of those wasted CPU cycles rather than waste my Amiga 3000's resources on the same animations?? If that isn't reason enough then don't use this utility, and waste your own time on animations. Features of RayFLy: Command: Almost none.. It takes a rayshade file, a geom file (obtained through tddd2off), and outputs the coordinates for the cammera to be included in your rayshade scene file, and outputs a animation created by rayshade. This program is really a complex batch file, but it gets the job done. Legal stuff: If your computer dies, gets destroyed, loses all its data, Command: or if you die, or the whole world blows up, I am not responsible. Use this program at your own risk.. If you do end up copying the program or end up basing a animation program on it... I would like a weency bit of credit. ;-) Other stuff: I have included in thi archive all the stuff you need to try the program out and debug and whatnot.. I don't know how to use Command: MAKE, don't have the time to learn, so you'll have to wade through my, 200 lines of code and figure it out.. I will comment it to give you some idea what is going on. - Kiernan Holland - kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov PS - This was compiled on a MIPS computer using the latest version, the last version, of MIPS unix with the SYSVR4/BSD43 combination. I would like to thank MIPS for making thier computer operating Command: systems so slothfully it is amazing the thing runs.. We are getting SGI's and plan to sell off tickets to destroy the old MIPS server. I'm kidding... */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* This part takes arguments from the command line.. Command: argc is the number of arguments including the executable's name, argv is an array (of pointers to) arguments in textual form. */ main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* Intialize FrameCount */ int count = 0; /* Axisset1 is the EyePoint vector, and Axisset2 is the LookPoint vector Command: */ float axisset1[3], axisset2[3]; /* CFPTR is a pointer to the file to be read, and WFPTR is a pointer ** to the file to be written to. */ FILE *cfptr; FILE *wfptr; char tempstring[256]; Command: /* Is there less than 5 arguments given? */ if (argc < 5) { /* then complain */ printf("The syntax is \"a.out <animation.ray> %s %s", "<path.geo> <cammera.ray>\n", "<framebase> [Option -V(iew) mode] \"\n "); } else { Command: /* Else attempt to open the geom file */ if ((cfptr = fopen (argv[2],"r")) == NULL) printf("File could not be opened \n"); else { /* Take off header of the geom file */ fscanf(cfptr, "%f%f%f", &axisset1[0],&axisset1[1],&axisset1[2]); /* Get the real coordiantes */ fscanf(cfptr, "%f%f%f", &axisset1[0],&axisset1[1],&axisset1[2]); fscanf(cfptr, "%f%f%f", &axisset2[0],&axisset2[1],&axisset2[2]); Command: /* While the geom file still has something in it */ while (!feof(cfptr)) { /* If we cannot write to the cammera coordinates file */ if ((wfptr = fopen (argv[3],"w")) == NULL) /* Complain! */ printf("File could not be created \n"); else { Command: /* Try to write out that cammera coordinates include file */ fprintf (wfptr, "eyep %f %f %f \n",axisset1[0],axisset1[1],axisset1[2]); fprintf (wfptr, "lookp %f %f %f \n",axisset2[0],axisset2[1],axisset2[2]); fclose (wfptr); /* Invoke rayshade and have it render a frame with the ** given cammera coordinates */ sprintf(tempstring,"rayshade -V stuff.results -p %s > %s%d.rle", Command: argv[1],argv[4],++count); system(tempstring); /* compress the frame under JPEG and delete the RLE frame. */ sprintf(tempstring,"cjpeg -Q80 %s%d.rle > %s%d.jpg ; rm %s%d.rle", argv[4],count,argv[4],count,argv[4],count); system(tempstring); } /* Swap the coordinates for the look-point out to the eye-point. Command: ** to achieve fly-through kind of effect . ** ** Note: This can be modified to handle other kinds of ** paths, I just don't know how to do them. */ axisset1[0] = axisset2[0]; axisset1[1] = axisset2[1]; axisset1[2] = axisset2[2]; /* Take the next coordinate from the geom file. Command: */ fscanf(cfptr, "%f%f%f", &axisset2[0],&axisset2[1],&axisset2[2]); } fclose(cfptr); fclose(wfptr); } } } :::::::::::::: stupid.c Command: :::::::::::::: #include <math.h> main () { float count = 0.0; float x,y,z = 0.0; while (count < 180) { count++; x = 1000 * cos(count/30.0); Command: y = 600 * sin(count/35.0); printf("%f %f %f \n",x,y,z); } } :::::::::::::: viewanim.c :::::::::::::: /* This is the program to view your RayFly animations with.. ** Make sure Djpeg, Cjpeg and Getx11 are in your path and make sure ** you are running Xwindows, of course.. Command: */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> /* Get command line arguments */ main (int argc , char *argv[]) Command: { /* make a temporary string for the system calls */ char tempstr[256]; /* declare the start and end frames of the animation */ int frame_start,frame_end,count; /* make sure the command line has the correct number of Command: ** arguments. This doesn't check to see if everything is kosher, ** so you must follow the syntax... If you don't wanna, change ** the code.. don't ask me to change it.. */ if (argc != 4) printf("Syntax : a.out <animbase> <start frame> <end frame> \n"); else { frame_start = atoi(argv[2]); /* convert ARG2 to integer */ Command: frame_end = atoi(argv[3]); /* convert ARG3 to integer */ count = frame_start; /* start at first frame */ /* keep puting frames in animation until the last frame */ while ( count <= frame_end ) { printf("Decompressing frame %d of %s and making a movie\n",count,argv[1]); /* decompress the JPEG'd frames to RLE format, see JPG man pages, ** and append to one ANIMATION file. Silly, but it does work.. ** This is becuase UNIX treats streams all the same no matter what Command: ** the data is, so I guess this is kosher. */ sprintf(tempstr,"djpeg -R %s%d.jpg >> test.rle",argv[1],count++); system(tempstr); } /* View the movie using GETX11's movie mode feature */ printf("Viewing movie."); system("getx11 -m 10 test.rle"); Command: printf("Removing the movie, to free up space."); /* remove the animation. Note if you are doing 320x200 24-bit ** animation expect 40K a frame. Getx11 doesn't do delta-compression ** not that I know of... */ system("rm test.rle"); } } ---------- Command: Enjoy... Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3357 Understanding Imagine 2.0 5/3/93 11:46 23/ sls@tct.com (Scot Schneebeli) Lines 1 to 10 of 23 (43%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Here is some information about "Understanding Imagine 2.0" for the person(s) who was interested. It cost me somewhere in the $20-25 range. I can't remember the exact amount since I got it a while back. You could probably get a copy direct from Apex Software Publishing 405 El Camino Real Suite 121 Menlo Park, CA 94025 ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: There is NO ISBN number, maybe I should say that there isn't one listed where it normally resides. I got my copy at a local Amiga dealer here in Sarasota, FL. I don't remember them having any more in stock, but if you are interested in trying them their phone number is 813 355 6121. They are called Apogee ... (something or other) I have no ties to them , etc. etc. Good luck on getting copies. Command: Scot Schneebeli <sls@tct.com> Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3358 Scenery Animator 4.0 5/4/93 06:31 33/ Adam Benjamin <A.Benjamin@mi04p.zds.com> Lines 1 to 10 of 33 (30%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- This is kind of related to us so I thought I would let you in on it. I got a post card from Natural Graphics last night. Looks like SA is going to kick Vista Pro's proverbial butt (again) I always liked SA over Vista, and now the new Scenery Animator is going to have: Full AGA support (Of course this is just to catch up) Place trees precisely where you want them ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: (YEAH! no more hunting for trees) Zoom up to 512x on the map for precise camera/tree locating. Lock camera angle or zoom on map screen (This was a must for me, I hated screwing up the zoom just because I clicked in a new view angle) Fast preview mode. (?? not sure what this is) Include a Video Scape 3D object in your rendering (Cool! didn't say if you could animate it in any way but now we can add a house a bridge a car, whatever!) Command: Now to get a object converter from Imagine to Vscape.. Available May 20 (according to the postcard) Later... ************************************************************ * Adam Benjamin A.Benjamin@mi04.zds.com * * Christian Animator AF987@yfn.ysu.edu * Command: * Disclaimer: Nothing I say means anything to anyone that * * might take it to mean something I didn't! * Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3359 Re: Scenery Animator 4.0 5/4/93 08:19 41/ duane@batman.tamu.edu (Duane) Lines 1 to 10 of 41 (24%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > I got a post card from Natural Graphics last night. Looks like SA is > going to kick Vista Pro's proverbial butt (again) > I always liked SA over Vista, and now the new Scenery Animator is > going to have: > > Full AGA support doesn't vpro3 do this > Place trees precisely where you want them ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: vpro does this too > Zoom up to 512x on the map for precise camera/tree locating. you can do this on vista too.. trees, roads, grass > Lock camera angle or zoom on map screen > (This was a must for me, I hated screwing up the zoom > just because I clicked in a new view angle) Command: vista too > Fast preview mode. vista has several options, a quick preview, and different quality levels that provide a preview in just a few seconds > Include a Video Scape 3D object in your rendering > (Cool! didn't say if you could animate it in any way but Command: > now we can add a house a bridge a car, whatever!) can't do this on vista pro, but u can save the landscape as a turbo obj -- Duane Fields---------Humans are the best value in computers -- where else duanef@tamu.edu------can you get a non-linear computer weighing only about ---------------------160lbs, having a billion binary decision elements, Command: pgp key in .plan-----that can be mass-produced by unskilled labour? Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3360 Understanding Imagine 5/4/93 10:28 31/ spworley@netcom.com (Steve Worley) Lines 1 to 10 of 31 (32%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- This should almost be an FAQ, but people have been trying to find the book... it went out of print for several months since Impulse had said that Imagine 3.0 would be out in January: I planned to write a new edition of Understanding Imagine (UI) including all the new features, and didn't want to be stuck with thousands of obsolete copies of UI 2.0. Anyway, I finally gave up waiting for 3.0, and did a reprint last month. There are now loads of copies available. In fact as of last week Apex can accept credit card orders over the ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: phone (!) so it should be easy to get! Call Apex at 415-322-7532 from 10 to 6 PST and a courteous, intelligent, and Imagine-literate salesperson will be glad you help you (that's me). You can also FAX to 415-322-2059, or mail to Apex Software 405 El Camino Real #121 Menlo Park CA 94025 USA Command: OR you can email to "spworley@netcom.com". All of these methods can be used for Essence tech support as well. The book costs $26 plus $3 shipping ($6 overseas) Essence I costs $48 plus $3 shipping ($5 overseas) Sorry for the commercial content of the message, but several people have asked for the info. -Steve Worley Command: Official Texture Color Coordinator of Apex Software Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3361 How do I do a neon tube? 5/4/93 08:47 20/ bandy@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu (Mike Bandy) Lines 1 to 10 of 20 (50%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- A little advice please... I'm doing my Joe's Diner clock, and I want to have a neon tube border. How do I make an object look like red neon? Turning on the light attribute results in a single point emitting light rather than the whole tube. Can I use a red glass tube, with a cylinder light shining down the tube to produce the desired effect? How about when the tube isn't straight but curls around in script lettering? Anybody done this before? ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: BTW, wasn't someone going to upload a monitor object to wuarchive for us? I logged onto wuarchive last night and, unless I didn't find the right directory, there's a total of TWO objects there! Why isn't everybody uploading their goodies???? Mike -- Mike Bandy bandy@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu Johns Hopkins University / Applied Physics Laboratory Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3362 Yeah where are all those objects. 5/4/93 13:36 15/ scott a king <sking@cis.ohio-state.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 15 (66%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > BTW, wasn't someone going to upload a monitor object to wuarchive for us? > I logged onto wuarchive last night and, unless I didn't find the right > directory, there's a total of TWO objects there! Why isn't everybody > uploading their goodies???? Does anybody know the scoop on the Star Trek/ Star Wars / Aliens objects that got uploaded that were corrupt and were supposed to be reuploaded. Also where are the IML contest entries at. I never got them and I misplaced the mail that said where they were. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Thanks -- Scott sking@cis.ohio-state.edu Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3363 Re: Scenery Animator 4.0 5/4/93 10:31 6/ Adam Benjamin <A.Benjamin@mi04p.zds.com> Lines 1 to 6 of 6 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- I Forgot one of the best features of all! Night rendering with accurate stars from constellation data Adam B. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3364 AGA Imagine ?!? 5/4/93 17:25 12/ Mark_Prenter@mindlink.bc.ca (Mark Prenter) Lines 1 to 10 of 12 (83%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hi, I was going through an old issue of Amiga World, the one describing the Amiga 4000 (Nov.92) when I noticed a sentence saying that Imagine was working on an AGA version of Imagine 2.0. They also mentioned that this would be a free upgrade to AGA owners. Has anyone heard anything about this? Is it true? Is is ready? Inquiring minds want to know. Mark -- Mark_Prenter@mindlink.bc.ca ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3365 Re: Stacker? 5/4/93 21:06 16/ Steve J. Lombardi <stlombo@eos.acm.rpi.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 16 (62%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > > > Has anybody heard of anything like stacker for the > amiga? > > William E. Costello > Software Interfaces > Yes, although the name fails me at the moment. If you have Usenet access it was just announced in comp.sys.amiga.announce. I believe it ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: is shareware. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | why would he be such a jerk? i know that he doesn't smoke steve lombardi | drugs. and he doesn't do cocaine. and he doesn't shoot stlombo@acm.rpi.edu | smack. and he doesn't even drink beer. Why would he be | such a fu*ker to me? --WEEN Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3366 Re: AGA Imagine ?!? 5/4/93 21:00 27/ Steve J. Lombardi <stlombo@eos.acm.rpi.edu> Lines 1 to 10 of 27 (37%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- > > Hi, I was going through an old issue of Amiga World, the one describing the > Amiga 4000 (Nov.92) when I noticed a sentence saying that Imagine was working > on an AGA version of Imagine 2.0. They also mentioned that this would be a > free upgrade to AGA owners. Has anyone heard anything about this? Is it > true? Is is ready? Inquiring minds want to know. > > Mark_Prenter@mindlink.bc.ca I was wondering the same thing as I should have a 4000 real soon now ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: so I called Impulse. AGA will fully be supported in 3.0. There will not be a version of 2.0 with AGA support. 3.0 is due out in mid summer. Bummer. I tried to wrentch a few of the 3.0 features out of them as well but they were tight lipped saying only "3.0 will re-establish imagine as the standard ...blah blah blah" I hope they mean it. Hey- BTW The new Opalvision add in AmigaWorld mentions an extension of the imagine offer! if you purchased/ will purchase Opalvision between february and June of this year you will get a free Imagine 2.0 direct from Centaur. This Command: is identical to the 2.0 that you are used to, but the Firecracker button has been replaced with Opal. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | why would he be such a jerk? i know that he doesn't smoke steve lombardi | drugs. and he doesn't do cocaine. and he doesn't shoot stlombo@acm.rpi.edu | smack. and he doesn't even drink beer. Why would he be | such a fu*ker to me? --WEEN Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3367 Neon Tubing 5/5/93 10:46 17/ pmancini@lynx.dac.northeastern.edu (Peter Mancini) Lines 1 to 10 of 17 (58%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Last night I attempted to follow my own advice for making a neon like tube. Boy is it harder in practice than in theory. Basically here is what I learned: 1: make your inner cylinder a much darker color such as 200R 0B 0G. 2: make your outer tube 75% fog and color shifted as well as more intense such as 255R 50B 100G. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: 3: make both items BRIGHT. The inner tube can be shiny. 4: make your outer tube 20% larger than your inner tube. --Pete P.S. Any other suggestions or methods? Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3368 Contact to Joe's Diner project lost !! 5/5/93 12:43 11/ Hannes Heckner <hecknerh@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Lines 1 to 10 of 11 (90%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Last night I wanted to mail to the leader of the Joe's Diner Imagine project but I discovered that I had lost the only mail I received from him. Please - if you can hear mail - mail to me as I have a few questions Sorry for bothering all the other IML members with my personal problems but it was the only way Sorry again Hannes ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3369 Searching for an earth brush 5/5/93 12:39 9/ Hannes Heckner <hecknerh@informatik.tu-muenchen.de> Lines 1 to 9 of 9 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hi folks, I need a brushmap for my sphere to render the planet earth. Every hint on a ftp-site or other pd sources would be greatly apreciated. Thanks Hannes ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3370 Re: Re More Vanilla Monitors 5/5/93 15:27 6/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 6 of 6 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Does the Retina do a workbench emulation or is it supported by workbench? The reason I am asking is that a company back about a year ago or so made this board called Visiona which did about the same thing but someone up here warned me that it only did workbench emulations, it wasn't actually a workbench supported graphics card.. ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3371 Searching for an earth brush 5/5/93 13:38 14/ dingebre@thunder.sim.es.com (David Ingebretsen) Lines 1 to 10 of 14 (71%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- I've uploaded a map that can be used to the aminet sites. It is in pix/misc and is called earth.lha. There are two maps, a B&W one for bump mapping and a color one for coloring the globe. David David M. Ingebretsen Evans & Sutherland Computer Corp. dingebre@thunder.sim.es.com ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Disclaimer: The content of this message in no way reflects the opinions of my employer, nor are my actions encouraged, supported, or acknowledged by my employer. Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3372 Re: ImaginePC and DOS 6.0 5/5/93 15:32 16/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 16 (62%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- My PC is a 486/33 with 8 megs and DOS 6.0. I haven't used the "doublespace" stacker like utility on my hard drive yet but I'm thinking about it. Does anyone know if this is a good idea or not? Imagine and DoubleSpace stacking? ------------ All i know is that if you are using something like Linux you will not be able to use your MSDOS formatted hard drive, therefore making transfers impossible. ------------- For the people who have said uncomplimentary things about the Imagine Manual, I have read about 75% of the thing and I can honestly say that I understand about 8% of what I've read. It appears to be somewhat like a real manual only not as good. Interesting reading though. Considering the ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: ------------- Impulse has always sucked at manuals... even back with Turbo Silver their manuals suck... I'm glad to see it is still sucking today, ofcourse I'm being sarcastic towards impulse.. -------------- Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3373 Re: Stacker and Imagine for the PC 5/5/93 16:20 11/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 10 of 11 (90%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Usually the fastest frames per second on a local bus you can get is dependant upon how fast your CPU can move memory... so the answer to your question is "how fast is your CPU?"... Animation speed is solely dependant upon your CPU speed, or unless you have some sort of DMA controller which can move data faster than your CPU, assuming your CPU fast enough but can't move memory fast enough for its frequency over the bus.. In other words, I don't think there is such a thing as a real fast local bus card, there is only one that just doesn't go as fast as the bus frequency... ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: I hope this helps... Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3374 Re: Anims 5/5/93 16:11 4/ kholland@chicoma.lanl.gov (AIDE Kiernan) Lines 1 to 4 of 4 (100%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Sorry...first time I read your message I thought you meant from the hard drive you would play the animation... They probably didn't think it was possible to have that high-res a animation and play it that fast... ----- page edit transfer mail help top logout set go done forward back add_article subscribe unsubscribe headers Command: Read article (text) .../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com) 21400.3.1.3375 ImaginePC anyone else have these problems? 5/5/93 17:09 34/ mbc@po.cwru.edu (Michael B. Comet) Lines 1 to 10 of 34 (29%) ----- You are reading a text article. Use <RETURN> or 'page' to move through the text ('help page' for details). Type 'add_article' to reply, 'forward' to move to the next article, and 'done' to stop. ----- Hey you! Wake up!